- 21/11/2023
- Berlin
High-Level Conference: “Shaping the Future with Africa – Young Entrepreneurship as Key to a Just Transition“

In the aftermath of the fifth G20 Compact with Africa (CwA) Summit, at the invitation of Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Federal Minister Svenja Schulze (BMZ) welcomed 40 African digital entrepreneurs and innovation champions to the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. The conference “Shaping the Future with Africa – Young Entrepreneurship as Key to a Just Transition” focussed on promoting innovation and young entrepreneurship.
Development Minister Svenja Schulze: “In Africa, we are talking about the largest youth generation of all time. How this generation of young people will develop, depends heavily on whether we succeed in creating enough jobs for them. At the heart of the Compact with Africa are reforms that will lead to more jobs through improved framework conditions and increased investment. Initially, the main focus was on creating jobs in the first place. Now we want to work together to ensure that these jobs also lead to sustainable development and promote the energy transition, for example. After all, the world needs the creativity, innovation and creativity of this generation of young people in order to successfully tackle global challenges such as climate change.”
In a high-level panel, representatives of the innovation ecosystem from African partner countries made recommendations on how African and European policy makers, entrepreneurs and investors can strengthen the roles of young entrepreneurs in tackling global challenges and shaping a just transition for economies and societies.
Participants of the High-Level Panel:
- Dr Rania A. Al-Mashat, Egyptian Minister of International Cooperation
- Dr Akinwumi A. Adesina, President of the African Development Bank
- Lacina Koné, Director General and Managing Director of the Smart Africa Alliance
- Audrey S-Darko, Founder and CEO, Sabon Sake, Ghana
- Mariatheresa Kadushi, Founder and CEO, Mobile Afya, Tanzania
- Birgit Pickel, Head of Division Africa, BMZ