• 29/11/2023
  • 15:00 - 16:00 CET
  • Dubai and digital

Digital & Green at COP 28 in Dubai – kick-off with a pre-COP event by the World Bank

At the 28th World Climate Change Conference (COP 28) from 30 November to 12 December in Dubai, eight years after the conclusion of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, a review was carried out for the first time: Where does the global community stand on climate protection?

The planet is currently heading towards a warming of well over 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial times. Increasingly at the centre of attention: digital technologies as part of the solution to help mitigateand adapt to climate change. At the same time, digitalisation has a negative impact on the carbon footprint. Shaping the digital transformation in a climate-friendly way and utilising the potential for a green transformation – driving forward the so-called digital and green twin transition – is therefore a top priority.

For the [digital.global] network, the COP 28 starts with a World Bank Pre-Event:

Green Digital Transformation: How to Sustainably Close the Digital Divide and Harness Digital Tools for Climate Action

In the forefront of the conference, the World Bank published its report Green Digital Transformation: How to Sustainably Close the Digital Divide and Harness Digital Tools for Climate Action on 29 November. The report emphasises that the digital transformation can accelerate the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The panel, with the participation of GIZ board member Ingrid Hoven and Alix Jagueneau (GSMA), Cosmos Zavazava (ITU), discussed pilot projects, joint activities and opportunities to further utilise the potential of digital innovations for climate action. One prerequisite: digitalisation must become greener and reduce its emissions. One of the BMZ’s contributions is a guideline for green data centres, which was developed together with international partners such as the World Bank and ITU and has already been implemented in eleven World Bank-financed data centres since its publication at Africa Climate Week in September.


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