• NitHub University Lagos
  • Recap

Recap: Empowering women for digitalisation in Nigeria: Dr Bärbel Kofler talks to female founders in Lagos

In Nigeria, Parliamentary State Secretary Bärbel Kofler met with female founders of digital companies and representatives of the Lagos State Employment Agency. At the NitHub innovation centre of the University of Lagos, Kofler discussed with the participants how the creativity of the centre could be better used to modernise and digitally transform existing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and promote start-ups.

In discussions with the young female entrepreneurs, it also became clear that better access to financing instruments for expanding their companies is necessary for women’s entrepreneurial success. The Digital Transformation Centre Nigeria is co-financed by the BMZ and the EU: It supports innovation centres in several regions and offers training on digitalisation and business start-ups for young adults, young people and women.

Read more about the joint trip to Nigeria by Federal Minister Svenja Schulze and Parliamentary State Secretary Dr Bärbel Kofler:

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