• 15/06 to 16/06/2023
  • Berlin

GreenTech Festival: Panel “For Meta or worse: Sustainability in AI, VR and the token economy”

The GreenTech Festival, with its keynotes, panels and bootcamps, is designed for anyone seeking sustainable change. Ideas driven by the need for sustainable business solutions are shared with bold pioneers and outstanding global leaders.

The panel “For Meta or worse: Sustainability in AI, VR and the token economy” took place on June 15.


  • Majorie Hernandez, CEO and Founder, LUKSO & The Dematerialised
  • Max Orgeldinger, Managing Lead, TLGG
  • Martin Wimmer, CDO, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • Bernhard Kronfellner, Partner and Associate Director, BCG
  • Host: Christian Wölbert, Editor, c’t Magazin for Computer technology, Heise Medien

To event