• 17/09/2023
  • New York, USA

ITU & UNDP SDG Digital Day

On 17 September, ITUUNDP and their partners convened for SDG Digital in New York with the support of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) as Knowledge Partner. SDG Digital took stock of the achievements, gaps and opportunities on how digital is supporting the 2030 Agenda and catalyzes greater action on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by bringing data and digital technologies front and center.

The day’s objective was to demonstrate how data and digital technologies can be leveraged to reach the SDGs and their targets. It showcased 17 digital solutions – one for each SDG – with game-changing potential to accelerate progress on the SDGs. Three BMZ-initiatives were among these game-changing solutions: our global e-learning platform atingi for SDG 4 (high quality education); Audiopedia, an Open-Source e-learning platform targeted at women and girls, for SDG 5 (Gender Equality); and Mobile Innovation Hub, an accelerator programme to support local and digital innovation ecosystems, for SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth).
Noémie Bürkl, Head of Division “Digital Technologies” at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, presented atingi as a game-changing solution for SDG 4 during the session”Showcase: Game-changing digital solutions”:

CHECK OUT THE SDG digital Livestream

The event  was supported by our partners UNICEF, UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and World Health Organization (WHO).