• 27/05 to 31/05/2024
  • Genf

World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 2024

The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum in Geneva is one of the central venues for international digital policy and internet governance. It is organised by the International Telecommunication Unit (ITU) and other United Nations organisations (including UNESCO, UNCTAD, UNDP).

It brought together various interest groups, including representatives of government, civil society, the private sector and international organisations, to discuss the development of the information society. The WSIS focuses on policy dialogues, networking and thematic sessions on international digital policy issues. Through its WSIS Action Lines, the forum aims to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Head of Division of the BMZ Digital Division Noémie Bürkl spoke at the following sessions:

“DPI High-Level Session & Award Ceremony for WSIS Digital Service Design Prize 2024”: Following Noémie Bürkl’s welcome address, country representatives* from different regions of the world shared their experiences in DPI implementation and discussed how global frameworks such as GovStack, advocacy efforts – such as the DPGA’s “50 in 5” campaign – and organisations such as ITU, UNDP, World Bank and others can accelerate DPI implementation at scale. The Sesseion also included the WSIS Digital Service Design Prize 2024 award ceremony.

“Leaders TalkX: ICT Applications Unlocking the Full Potential of Digital – Part II”: Head of Unit Bürkl on the importance of digital transformation for achieving sustainability goals.

“The future of Digital Public Infrastructure for environmental sustainability”: As an active panel participant, Noémie Bürkl shed light on the potential of digital public infrastructure for environmental sustainability in this session organised by the United Nations Environment Programme.

“GovStack Digital Leaders Forum”: The GovStack Digital Leaders Forum is a unique meeting place for public administration CDOs and leaders of the global GovTech ecosystem to learn from each other’s digital experiences. At this exchange format, Head of Division Noémie Bürkl met Chief Digital Officers from BMZ partner countries to share their experiences and lessons learned from the digitalisation of government services.

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