[digital.global] im Dialog

Das [digital.global] Netzwerk vereint weit über 100 Akteure aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Wissenschaft in Deutschland, unseren Partnerländern sowie unserem multilateralen Partnersystem.

Als Plattform für alle Akteure, die eine sozial-ökologischen und feministische digitale Transformation vorantreiben, lebt das Netzwerk von seinen starken Partnerschaften und dem kontinuierlichen Austausch. Sein Ziel ist es, die Innovationskraft der Digitalwirtschaft für entwicklungspolitische Ziele zu nutzen und sich dabei an den Bedarfen der Partnerländer zu orientieren. Um die technische und finanzielle Zusammenarbeit an die sich laufend verändernden Herausforderungen der fortschreitenden digitalen Transformation aller Lebensbereiche anzupassen ist das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) im ständigen Dialog mit seinen Initiativen und Partnern.

SDG Digital Futures

SDG Digital – launched in 2023 – will be back this year…

Webinar: Managing Digital Risks in Development Finance

Digital transformation is changing our world in profound ways and its opportunities…

Voices of Africa: Workshop at Deep Learning INDABA

At the Deep Learning Indaba 2024 , a conference for African…

Telangana Global AI Summit

  Locally relevant data is key to driving impactful…

  • Washington D.C.

    Worldbanks Global Digital Summit

    The World Bank is launching its inaugural Global Digital Summit to bring together government officials, private sector, partner organizations and thought leaders to explore these opportunities and risks, around the shared goal of Accelerating Digital for Development. Our political initiative Data Economy will join the summit.


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  • Barcelona

    GSMA Mobile World Congress

    The annual Mobile World Congress Barcelona is one of the largest and most influential events in the connectivity sector. Global mobile operators, device manufacturers, technology companies and vendors came together in Barcelona to discuss technical innovations. From  the [digital.global] a team of the Digital Transformation Centers attended the congress.


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  • Yaoundé, Cameroon

    Salon PROMOTE 2024: Central Africa’s biggest business fair

    PROMOTE is a biennial multi-sectoral exhibition organized in Cameroon, at the confluence of Central Africa and West Africa, on a non-commercial basis and in the general interest of the economy, on behalf of the highest Cameroonian authorities by INTERPROGRESS International Foundation.

    During the conference, more than 1000 exhibitors from 30 countries will come together under this year’s theme ‘Integration and economic development’.

    atingi, the digital learning platform of the BMZ, will be attending together with their partner project Women Going Digital from the Business Scouts for Development to promote their digital learning activities in the region. They will be present with a booth in the EU pavilion together with other projects from GIZ Cameroun.

    The conference will take place from February 17-25, 2024 in the Congress Hall in Yaoundé, Cameroon.

    More information and registration

  • Nairobi and online
    07:00 - 16:00 CET

    Conference “Data-Driven Cities: Conference for the Urban Common Good”

    Data-Driven Cities: Conference for the Urban Common Good

    hosted by the Kenyan Ministry of Information, Communications and The Digital Economy (MICDE), the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) and the German Federal Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) this conference brings together stakeholders from city and national governments, academia, business and civil society from Germany as well as Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and other African nations to discuss the sharing and use of data for urban development.

    Data-driven cities leverage technology and data to enhance urban life and sustainability. However, there are many challenges to using data successfully in the urban realm. Stakeholders from different sectors must collaborate to overcome data siloes and maximise impact. The objective of this conference is to achieve a common understanding of the benefits of data use for data-driven cities and share best practices.

    REGISTER here


    Please note that on-site participation is limited. After you have registered for on-site participation, we will confirm your spot in due course. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at digital-dialogues@giz.de.

  • NitHub University Lagos

    Recap: Empowering women for digitalisation in Nigeria: Dr Bärbel Kofler talks to female founders in Lagos

    In Nigeria, Parliamentary State Secretary Bärbel Kofler met with female founders of digital companies and representatives of the Lagos State Employment Agency. At the NitHub innovation centre of the University of Lagos, Kofler discussed with the participants how the creativity of the centre could be better used to modernise and digitally transform existing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and promote start-ups.

    In discussions with the young female entrepreneurs, it also became clear that better access to financing instruments for expanding their companies is necessary for women’s entrepreneurial success. The Digital Transformation Centre Nigeria is co-financed by the BMZ and the EU: It supports innovation centres in several regions and offers training on digitalisation and business start-ups for young adults, young people and women.

    Read more about the joint trip to Nigeria by Federal Minister Svenja Schulze and Parliamentary State Secretary Dr Bärbel Kofler:

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  • Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village (KCEV), Kigali, Rwanda
    14:00 - 22:00 CET

    DGIx Digital & Green Innovation Accelerator Pitch Event

    The DGIx is a programme by the #SmartDevelopmentFund (#SDF) and the WFP Innovation Accelerator, and powered by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Union (EU).

    DGIx selected, among +400 applications, 10 high-impact digital ventures and projects solving some of the most pressing environmental challenges in selected countries. The aim of the programme is to provide financial, technical, and methodological support to the DGIx laureates. Together with the best and brightest minds globally, we will be able to leverage green-digital synergies to ultimately improve the lives of vulnerable communities.

    At the event, you will have the opportunity to get to know 10 inspiring ventures that will present their early-stage, scalable, cutting-edge solutions, and will also have the chance to network with cross-sector leaders in the green digital space, including representatives from GIZ, WFP, and the EU.


    • Heike Uta Dettmann, German Ambassador to Rwanda
    • Smart Africa
    • Kudzai M Mubaiwa
    • Bélén Calvo Uyarra, EU Ambassador

    Partners: EU, ESTDEV, Expertise France, WFP, Smart Africa, Ministry of ICT Rwanda, enabel

    More information Register here

  • Online
    14:00 - 16:45 CET

    Competition Policy and the Gig Economy

    © Atul Loke / Panos

    The GIZ Gig Economy Initiative in partnership with the Vidhi Policy Centre present a Book Addas Session on Competition Policy in the Digital Age.

    In India, the rights of gig economy workers are primarily governed under labour laws rather than competition laws. GIZ and Vidhi aim to initiate a conversation on the potential and role of Indian competition law and policy in strengthening fair bargaining powers for gig workers in their interactions with Big Tech.
    Dr. Jonathan B. Baker’s ‘The Antitrust Paradigm: Restoring a Competitive Economy.’ will open the conversation on this topic. This book provides a comprehensive overview of Big Tech’s market power and its implications on the ecosystem, including suppliers and workers.


    • Vellah Kigwiru
    • Jonathan Baker
    • Amber Darr
    • Ujjwal Kumar
    • Manjushree RM

    Join the session to delve into the intricate dynamics and explore ways to ensure a more balanced and equitable environment for gig workers.

    Register here

  • UNFCCC Pavilion
    10:00 - 11:30 CET

    COP Side Event: High-level Panel: Artificial Intelligence for Climate Action

    Artificial intelligence (AI) – how can it help with climate change adaptation without widening the digital divide? How do international cooperation and partnerships contribute to leveraging the potential of AI for climate solutions, especially in least developed countries (LDCs) and small island states?
    These questions were discussed on December 09 by a high-level panel hosted by UNFCCC Senior Director Daniele Violetti and Director-General of the COP Presidency Majid Al-Suwadi, with the participation of the Head of the US President’s Climate Office Ali Zaidi and digital policy experts Omar Sultan Al Olama (UAE), Fatou Binetou Ndiaye (Senegal) and Shantal Munro-Knight (Barbados).

    The potential for climate protection predominated in the discussion, but it also became clear that a digital policy framework is needed to realise the potential and limit the risks. And both the least developed countries and developed countries benefit from international cooperation and collaboration. State Secretary Fatou Binetou Ndiaye showed how Senegal, with the support of the Data Economy Initiative of GIZ and BMZ is developing a digital policy framework to reconcile its priorities for sustainable development, innovation and digital sovereignty. The basis for tapping the potential of data and AI for climate protection.

    In her introduction to specific AI-based climate solutions, GIZ Managing Director Ingrid Hoven emphasised the relevance of a European, human-centric approach: the use of AI for climate protection also requires the sustainable use of AI. This includes an ecologically sustainable, ethical and fair design of AI through open and transparent AI models, data bases and green data infrastructure.

    Examples from the work of the BMZ’s FAIR Forward initiative showed how such an approach can contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation.

    The deforestation of tropical forests, such as in Indonesia, which play a crucial role in carbon storage, contributes significantly to climate change. AI-based analysis of satellite data, with the involvement of local communities, helps to identify and protect forests with a lot of carbon. Another pilot project in Kenya combines satellite and weather data with locally collected data from smallholder farmers and feeds this into an AI-based early warning system for predicting and monitoring crop yields.

    What both projects have in common is that they involve local communities in the development of AI models and create open-source solutions that enable scaling and adaptation to other contexts.

    Based on these and other examples of AI climate innovations, the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism Initiative on Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Climate Action #AI4ClimateAction launched its AI Innovation Grand Challenge as a climate innovation competition to promote new AI applications for climate mitigation and adaptation measures in developing countries.


    • Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC
    • Daniele Violetti, Senior Director, United Nations Climate Change Secretariat
    • Majid Al-Suwadi, Director-General and Special representative of COP28 Presidency,United Arab Emirates
    • E. Omar Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy and Remote Work Applications, United Arab Emirates
    • Fatou Binetou Ndiaye, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Communications, Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, Senegal
    • Shantal Munro-Knight, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office, Barbados
    • Ali Zaidi, Assistant to the President and National Climate Advisor, United States of Amercia
    • Ingrid Hoven, Managing Director, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
    • Gauri Singh, Deputy Director-General, International Renewable Energy Agency
    • Yana Gevorgyan, Secretariat Director, Group on Earth Observations
    • Sherif Tawfik, Chief Sustainability Commercial Officer, Microsoft
    • Kate Kallot, Chief Executive Officer, Amini Corp.
    • Stig Svenningsen, Chair, UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee
    • Erwin Rose, Chair, Advisory Board of the Climate Technology Centre and Network
    • Bill Wright, Chair and Founder, Enterprise Neurosystem

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  • UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub
    10:00 - 11:30 CET

    COP28 side Event: Digital readiness of developing countries: how it can accelerate climate action

    Digitalization is a decisive factor for the implementation of global climate protection measures. However, the success of the measures depends on the capacities and conditions of the partner countries – on their digital readiness. This results in two main requirements for digital measures: Taking local conditions into account and strengthening the digital readiness of partner countries. On behalf of the BMZ, GIZ is implementing the Digital Readiness Dialogue to discuss how both can be achieved.


    more InformationCheck out the Livestream

  • 06:00 - 06:45 CET

    COP28 Side Event: Digital Transformation on a livable Planet

    Connectivity is a global challenge: almost three billion people are still offline, the majority of whom live in low- and middle-income countries. Connectivity could contribute to leaps in development, for example by making communities more resilient to climate change through better access to information and services.
    The session Digital Transformation on a livable Planet will focus on sustainably closing the connectivity gap – with the participation of Senegalese partners from the BMZ Data Economy initiative.


    • Guangzhe Chen, Vice President Infrastructure, World Bank
    • Tomas Lamanauskas, Deputy Secretary General, ITU
    • Fred Waithaka, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, Safaricom
    • Dr Mbaye Diop, Member of the National Committee on Climate Change (COMNACC), Senegal

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  • virtual
    10:00 - 11:00 CET

    COP Side Event: Digitalising Sustainability: DGIx Pan-African Innovators’ Journey

    #TeamEurope COP Side Event on the day before :"Whats Cooking, Team Europe" on 04.12.2023

    A COP28 side event of the European Commission

    Digital innovation is of great importance for climate protection. How digital innovations can be used and scaled for the green transformation was the focus of the two side events with European partners of a #TeamEurope initiative for the twin transition. Through the “Digital and Green” working group of the EU’s Digital for Development (D4D) Hub, European member states and the European Commission are joining forces to promote the green digital transformation to combat the climate crisis in the Global South.

    At “What’s cooking, Team Europe?” on 4 December, Dr Heike Henn, Head of Division for Climate, Energy and Environment and Commissioner for Climate Policy and Climate Financing at the BMZ, joined members from Estonia, France, Belgium and the European Commission to discuss how green technology innovations in the Global South can be driven forward by Team Europe. The discussion showed that supporting local innovation ecosystems provides crucial impetus for companies to tackle the challenges of climate change. The members of the Twin Transition Joint Initiative have therefore set themselves the goal of scaling local green innovation globally and are currently developing a joint #TeamEurope action focussing on digital green innovation.

    Innovators showed how digital and green innovations are already being used to solve local challenges in Africa at the virtual side event “Digitalising Sustainability: DGIx Pan-African Innovators’ Journey” on 5 December. The event, with the participation of Head of Unit for Digitalisation, Noémie Bürkl (BMZ) and the Acting Head of Unit Digitalisation of DG INTPA, Miguel Angel Exposito Verdejo (European Commission), provided insights into the climate challenges in Africa and showed that young people and women are both vulnerable groups and driving forces in climate action.

    Holistic waste management, risk prevention for natural disasters, green space development, traceable supply chains or digital ecosystems for small farmers: With the help of digital and green innovations, they are changing their environment and helping to develop local ideas for global challenges. Digital solutions can help close the gap in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Innovators from the start-ups M-taka, Hesotech, Nyasa Aerial Data & Solutions and AgroSfer are participants in the Digital & Green Innovation Challenge (DGIx), which is supported by the BMZ and the European Commission and organised by the Smart Development Fund (SDF).


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  • UNFCCC Global Innovation Hub
    10:00 - 11:00 CET

    “Green Digital Action@COP28”: Leverage ICT’s positive impacts on the climate

    The world is in a race to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Digital technologies can help – as the groundbreaking study “Digital with Purpose: Delivering a SMARTer2030” by the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative shows. However, to fully realise the benefits of the digital transformation, the information and communication technology sector must take on a pioneering role.
    In collaboration with the ITU-led Green Digital Action@COP28 initiative, the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative, the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of BMZ and the European Commission are joining forces to realise the full potential of digital technology towards a more sustainable and equitable world and to find innovative solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

    • Kevin Thompson, COO, GeSI
    • Seizo Onoe, Director of the Telecommunication Standardisation Bureau (TSB), ITU
    • Katja Kammerer, Head of Department Public Sector Liaison / Client Services and Business Development, GIZ
    • Kay McGowan, Senior Director Policy, Digital Impact Alliance

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  • EU Pavilion
    08:00 - 09:30 CET

    European Union Side Event at COP28: “Harnessing the potential of green digital solutions”

    In this panel discussion, the European Commission and the European Green Digital Coalition (EGDC) will discuss the potential of digital solutions for climate action and provide participants with guidelines for their use in key sectors such as energy, transport, construction, agriculture, smart cities and manufacturing. Participants will also discuss how to maximise the benefits of digital transformation for sustainability in vertical sectors such as local authorities and financial institutions. On behalf of BMZ, GIZ is cooperating with panellists in the implementation of a green digital transformation.

  • Munich

    Expert Conference of Münchner Kreis: “ChatGPT and Generative Artificial Intelligence: Quantum Leap or Stale Promise?”

    For a year now, ChatGPT from OpenAI has been occupying the media, stirring up companies and industries, and euphorizing individuals.

    On the anniversary of ChatGPT’s release, Münchner Kreis is hosting an expert conference on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) to put the technology to the test. The conference gathers the interdisciplinary network of Münchner Kreis to shed light on the significance and potentials of ChatGPT and GenKI in general, and to further discuss the disruptive dimensions of GenKI, business models, risks, and potential labor market change. Dr. Iliya Nickelt, Chief Data Scientist at BMZ, provides impulses to the discussion on what (unexpected) impacts need to be considered when using medium-level AI for an ethical and fair application of the technology.

    The Münchner Kreis, as a non-profit association, acts as an independent, interdisciplinary and international platform for experts from technology, sociology, psychology, law, economics and culture. In diverse discussions, guiding ideas are jointly generated to navigate through the technical, economic, political and social challenges of the digital transformation.

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  • Dubai and digital
    15:00 - 16:00 CET

    Digital & Green at COP 28 in Dubai – kick-off with a pre-COP event by the World Bank

    At the 28th World Climate Change Conference (COP 28) from 30 November to 12 December in Dubai, eight years after the conclusion of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, a review was carried out for the first time: Where does the global community stand on climate protection?

    The planet is currently heading towards a warming of well over 1.5 degrees compared to pre-industrial times. Increasingly at the centre of attention: digital technologies as part of the solution to help mitigateand adapt to climate change. At the same time, digitalisation has a negative impact on the carbon footprint. Shaping the digital transformation in a climate-friendly way and utilising the potential for a green transformation – driving forward the so-called digital and green twin transition – is therefore a top priority.

    For the [digital.global] network, the COP 28 starts with a World Bank Pre-Event:

    Green Digital Transformation: How to Sustainably Close the Digital Divide and Harness Digital Tools for Climate Action

    In the forefront of the conference, the World Bank published its report Green Digital Transformation: How to Sustainably Close the Digital Divide and Harness Digital Tools for Climate Action on 29 November. The report emphasises that the digital transformation can accelerate the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The panel, with the participation of GIZ board member Ingrid Hoven and Alix Jagueneau (GSMA), Cosmos Zavazava (ITU), discussed pilot projects, joint activities and opportunities to further utilise the potential of digital innovations for climate action. One prerequisite: digitalisation must become greener and reduce its emissions. One of the BMZ’s contributions is a guideline for green data centres, which was developed together with international partners such as the World Bank and ITU and has already been implemented in eleven World Bank-financed data centres since its publication at Africa Climate Week in September.


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