[digital.global] im Dialog

Das [digital.global] Netzwerk vereint weit über 100 Akteure aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Wissenschaft in Deutschland, unseren Partnerländern sowie unserem multilateralen Partnersystem.

Als Plattform für alle Akteure, die eine sozial-ökologischen und feministische digitale Transformation vorantreiben, lebt das Netzwerk von seinen starken Partnerschaften und dem kontinuierlichen Austausch. Sein Ziel ist es, die Innovationskraft der Digitalwirtschaft für entwicklungspolitische Ziele zu nutzen und sich dabei an den Bedarfen der Partnerländer zu orientieren. Um die technische und finanzielle Zusammenarbeit an die sich laufend verändernden Herausforderungen der fortschreitenden digitalen Transformation aller Lebensbereiche anzupassen ist das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) im ständigen Dialog mit seinen Initiativen und Partnern.

SDG Digital Futures

SDG Digital – launched in 2023 – will be back this year…

Webinar: Managing Digital Risks in Development Finance

Digital transformation is changing our world in profound ways and its opportunities…

Voices of Africa: Workshop at Deep Learning INDABA

At the Deep Learning Indaba 2024 , a conference for African…

Telangana Global AI Summit

  Locally relevant data is key to driving impactful…

  • BMZ, Berlin

    Recap: BMZ Open Day

    Tag der offenen Tuer im BMZ, Berlin, 19.08.2023. © copyright Ute Grabowsky/Photothek.net
    Tag der offenen Tuer im BMZ, Berlin, 19.08.2023. © copyright Ute Grabowsky/Photothek.net
    Tag der offenen Tuer im BMZ, Berlin, 19.08.2023. © copyright Ute Grabowsky/Photothek.net

    On 08/19/2023 the Federal Government’s Open Day offered the opportunity to take a look “behind the scenes of politics”. GIZ and BMZ presented the Gig Economy Initiative and atingi of the [digital.global] network with a photo exhibition that provides insights into the lives of platform workers as well as the techDetector of GIZ.

  • Virtual event
    11:00 - 13:00 CEST

    Webinar: Digital Labour Platforms on the African Continent

    Jimnah Mungai, a plumber working for Fundis, arrives to the house of a customer in Nairobi, Kenya, on December 28, 2022.

    Limits and opportunities of competition law in protecting gig workers – part five of the Policy Roundtable Series.

    Our Gig Economy Initiative hosted another event in the Gig Economy Webinar Series. The fifth roundtable on July 26 focused on the intersection of antitrust laws and digital labor platforms on the African continent.

    Concerns about working conditions on digital labor platforms have recently led to numerous protests, while the increasing market dominance of certain platforms results in economic dependency of workers that makes them vulnerable to exploitation. If the rapid growth of these digital labor platforms initially presents opportunities for the continent, the question is what impact this will have on future innovation, market entry, and access to good jobs in the African market in the absence of regulation.

    The event brought together experts from across the continent to explore the characteristics of the existing digital labor platform market, the impact of the dominant platform players , and the competitive challenges posed by the current system.


    • Maria-José Schmidt-Kessen, Assistant Professor, CEU
    • Bonnita Nyamwire, Head of Research, Pollicy Uganda
    • Florence Abebe, Chief Legal Officer, Federal Competition
      & Consumer Protection Commission Authority Nigeria


    • Vellah Kigwiru, Doctoral Fellow, Hochschule für Politik, TUM

    The event served as a valuable complement to the competition module authored by Vellah Kigwiru, which is part of our comprehensive 8-module online course, The Rise and Economics of Digital Labor Platforms, on the rise and economics of digital labor platforms.

    More Information


  • Dakar, Senegal

    Recap: Launch of the Senegalese data strategy

    As part of the Senegalese Digital Strategy 2025 (SN2025) and in partnership with Smart Africa and GIZ through its Data Economy Initiative, the Ministry of Communications, Telecommunications and Digital Economy (MCTEN) presented the conclusions and full report of the National Data Strategy, in line with the country’s priorities in terms of sustainable development, promotion of innovation and value creation, but especially digital sovereignty.

    The process, launched in March as part of an inclusive and participatory approach, has involved all actors in the digital ecosystem and has resulted in a comprehensive document on the National Data Strategy for Senegal, which is in line with the country’s priorities in terms of sustainable development, promoting innovation and value creation, and above all digital sovereignty. The strategy fits perfectly with the Adjusted and Accelerated Priority Action Plan (PAP2A) guidelines set out in the Digital Senegal Strategy with the vision of “Making data a driver of socio-economic growth, inclusiveness, innovation and international openness by 2028.” In order to achieve the set goals by 2028, 59 key actions have been identified to be implemented. The ceremony was also an opportunity to share the results of the strategy development project with the entire digital ecosystem and solicit their feedback and recommendation.

    “In an expanding digital world, data is of paramount importance. It is the fuel that drives the digital transformation of our countries. It plays an essential role in informed decision-making, innovation, industrial development and sustainable economic growth. Today, we are committed to using this data intelligently while maintaining its security and integrity,” said Moussa Bocar Thiam, Minister of Communications, Telecommunications and Digital Economy.

    Lacina Koné, CEO of Smart Africa , commented on the successful official presentation ceremony as follows: “Senegal has reached a new milestone today by laying the foundation for its data management with this national data strategy. We are very pleased to have supported the Senegalese government in this process and look forward to its successful implementation.”

    “GIZ’s Data Economy program, with the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the European Commission, is very pleased to support the Senegalese government in the development of its national data economy strategy. The rise of the data economy is at the heart of digital transformation. We believe that the strategic use of data is a key enabler for a sustainable, people-centric digital transformation. The National Data Economy Strategy creates an enabling environment for an inclusive digital transformation that promotes open innovation and entrepreneurship and focuses on improving people’s well-being,” added Bjorn-Soren Gigler, PhD, head of the Data Economy Initiative.

  • Virtual event
    16:00 - 18:30 CEST

    atingi Launch: Open Source IVR Solution for Digital and Inclusive Education

    ©CoC Solutions

    As part of the atingi ecosystem, the atingi4Ag project in Benin developed an open-source Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solution to make digital learning more accessible and inclusive. Working with three local farmers’ associations, the Benin Ministry of Digitalization, and the Benin Ministry of Agriculture, the team developed a training solution to deliver learning content to 90,000 farmers and small businesses, accessible through basic cell phones or smartphones. In addition to developing the technical solution, the project partnered with local telecommunications provider Moov Africa to provide SIM cards and discounted rates for calls to the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) courses. The IVR learning campaign was launched and handed over to partners on July 21, 2023 at the Moov Africa conference room in Cotonou, Benin.

    more information

  • 16:00 - 17:30 CEST

    Launch Event: ‘Fairwork Cloudwork Ratings 2023’ report

    On July 20, the Fairwork report: “Work in the Planetary Labour Market: Fairwork Cloudwork Ratings 2023” was released. The study evaluates and grades basic fairness standards in labor agreements on 15 web-based digital labour platforms according to the five Fairwork principles:
    Fair pay, conditions, contracts, management, and representation.

    This year’s scores show that platforms are still far from safeguarding the basic standards of fair work expressed in these five principles. The research has revealed the precarious conditions for workers active in microwork platforms that provide services such as data annotation and labelling, video scoring and model evaluation to artificial intelligence (AI) companies. While the run for AI deployments gets public hype and momentum, workers behind the design, building and testing of these technological solutions, unfortunately, still face enormous challenges and experience unfair working conditions.

    The launch event explored the key findings of the report in more depth, highlighted the implications for workers and the digital economy, and discussed the way forward to achieve minimum standards for fair work in the platform-based labor market. Prof. Mark Graham, Director of Fairwork and the lead researcher of the report, Dr. Jonas Valente presented the key findings.


    • Dr Janine Berg, Senior Economist, International Labour Organization
    • Esther Gathigi-Kibugi, Country Director, DOT Kenya

    The full report can be viewed here.

    More Information


  • Berlin

    Workshop of the AI Observatory of the BMAS

    In the workshop, representatives of the BMZ, BMAS and BMWK developed a joint narrative on the priority areas of sustainability/transformation and health. The goals of the workshop were networking and exchange among those responsible for the measures as well as the identification of cooperation potentials.

  • Virtual Event
    12:00 - 13:00 CEST

    Panel Discussion before EU-CELAC Summit: Steering an Inclusive Twin Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean

    The third EU-CELAC Summit took place in Brussels on July 17 and 18, 2023. Under the motto “Renewing the bi-regional partnership to strengthen peace and sustainable development”, the summit brought together heads of state and government from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean to renew and strengthen relations between the two regions.

    In preparation, the EU-LAC International Foundation was organizing several thematic EU-LAC forums aimed at bringing together relevant social actors, policy makers and institutions to discuss challenges and opportunities for the strategic partnership between the EU and Latin America/Caribbean.

    On July 14, a virtual panel discussion on Twin Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean – Youth and Women’s Perspectives on Green and Digital Transformation was held in advance of the Summit.

    Panel Discussion has included:

    • Insight into the perspectives of women and youth on inclusion in the digital green transformation.
    • Appreciation of the commitment of the EU and partners in EU member states to collaborate and use digital innovation to address global challenges, including the climate crisis
    • Opportunity for innovators from the Latin American and Caribbean region, especially women, youth, and marginalized communities, to present their idea at an international competition and receive support for its implementation, in the region and globally.
    • Focusing on women, youth and marginalized communities, innovators* from Latin America and the Caribbean will be offered the opportunity to present their ideas for an international competition, gaining support for potential scale-up at regional and global levels.
  • Dakar, Senegal

    Workshop AI Capacity Building

    In collaboration with the partners of the [digital.global] networks D4D Hub and Expertise France GIZ supported MCTEN in the implementation of the first awareness workshop on “Artificial Intelligence for actors in the digital ecosystem in Senegal”. The goal of this initiative is to agree on an AI roadmap to boost the Senegalese economy.

  • Virtuelles Event

    AGYLE Digital Event

    The AGYLE Digital Event, which was implemented on behalf of BMZ by AWE and Germany Land of Ideas brought together experts and young leaders from Africa and Germany on July 11, 2023. Under this year’s motto “Digital transformation – how young leaders are shaping a green and inclusive future”, Martin Wimmer, CDO, provided insights into the BMZ’s perspective.

  • Virtual event
    14:00 - 15:30 CEST

    Launch of the Fairwork Report “Gender and Platform Work: Beyond Techno-solutionism”

    On July 03, 2023, Fairwork launched the first global report on gender and platform work. The research of the report “Gender and Platform Work” covers a period of four years in 38 countries. More than 180 platforms were considered and interviews were conducted with more than 5,000 platform workers. The report concludes that common practices in the platform economy, such as non-payment of a living wage, unsafe working conditions, and inadequate responses to gender discrimination, are associated with the risks of widening the gender wage gap, lowering labor force participation, and perpetuating gender inequalities.

    Keynote 1:

    • Noémi Bürkl, Head of the Unit Digitalisation, BMZ

    Keynote 2:

    • Dr Uma Rani, Senior Economist, ILO


    • Dr Kavita Dattani, Oxford Internet Institute
    • Tanja Jakobi, Fairwork Serbia
    • Dr Anjali Krishan, Oxford Internet Institute
    • Dr Cheryll Soriano, Fairwork Philippines
    • Prof Janaki Srinivasan, Fairwork India


  • Virtual event

    DPG Charter Event

    The closing event of the DPG-Charter celebrated the collaboration of over 100 professionals from 67 organizations and more than 30 countries. Charter signatories included partners of the [digital.global] network such as USAID, UNDP, DIAL and DPGA.

  • Virtual event

    Webinar – The Value of Microcredentials in the Digital Work Economy

    Over 40 million people use digital work platforms as their main or secondary source of income. The platform economy offers promising advantages such as flexibility, low barriers to entry, and access to key digital infrastructure, making it an attractive labor market for skilled professionals. Many of these individuals rely on formal or informal training to acquire basic skills and competencies that they can then use as valuable assets in the digital economy.

    The rapid pace of technological advancement and growing competition require constant updating and upgrading of skills for both learners and gigworkers. For platform-based gigworkers, microcredentials offer a convenient way to further their education and showcase their expertise on digital platforms and to potential clients. Microcredentials, much like the gig economy, represent a notable shift in the labor and education market by providing shorter, digital, and easily accessible opportunities.

    GIZ commissioned a research sprint on behalf of BMZ to explore the value of microcredentials in the context of the digital work economy, as well as their benefits for skilled gigworkers and the value they create for current and future learners in vocational education.

    In this webinar, key findings from the research sprint were shared and the web-based tool for TVET learners/gig workers on microcredentials was introduced. In addition, experts in Kenya, India, and Asia-Pacific shared their experiences with Microcredentials and for the Gig Economy. More info on the Gig Economy can be found here.

  • Karlsruhe

    Latin America – AI and Digital Innovation

    At this cooperation event of AWE with IHK Karlsruhe and LAV on the topic “Latin America – new markets – new needs: AI and Digital Innovation as a Common Approach in Cooperation”, Corinna Peters, Consultant for Digitalization at AWE, presented the offers of the [digital.global] network.

  • Berlin

    NewSpace Breakfast: „NewSpace meets Africa”

    On the initiative of the BDI and with the support of LiveEO, the NewSpace Breakfast discussed the rapid developments in the African space market. Dirk Meyer, Head of Division, Global Health, Economy, Trade and Rural Development, BMZ, gave a keynote speech on the growing importance of satellite technologies in development cooperation.

  • BMZ, Berlin
    11:00 - 12:30 CEST

    Webinar of the Members of the German Bundestag Tobias Bacherle and Armand Zorn and the BMZ

    On June 20th 2023 from 11:00am – 12:30pm CEST, the Members of Parliament Armand Zorn (Social Democrats) and Tobias Bacherle (Greens) together with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) are hosting an online webinar on “The necessity of value-driven regulations for a fair digital transformation”.

    This webinar was the last session of the webinar series on digitalization in development cooperation and participants were invited to share their expertise and perspective in the discussion with the Members of Parliament, the Parliamentary State Secretary at the BMZ, Dr. Bärbel Kofler, as well as anticipated international expert panelists such as Alison Gillwald (CEO, Research ICT Africa), a representative from Smart Africa and local governmental partners.

    Together, the opportunities of regulations for a fair digital transformation and the need for harmonized, value-based international regulations were discussed. It also explored the extent to which the EU’s regulatory approaches are relevant and adaptable for countries in the Global South, while conversely we seek to learn from the regulatory approaches of our partner countries in the Global South.