[digital.global] im Dialog

Das [digital.global] Netzwerk vereint weit über 100 Akteure aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Wissenschaft in Deutschland, unseren Partnerländern sowie unserem multilateralen Partnersystem.

Als Plattform für alle Akteure, die eine sozial-ökologischen und feministische digitale Transformation vorantreiben, lebt das Netzwerk von seinen starken Partnerschaften und dem kontinuierlichen Austausch. Sein Ziel ist es, die Innovationskraft der Digitalwirtschaft für entwicklungspolitische Ziele zu nutzen und sich dabei an den Bedarfen der Partnerländer zu orientieren. Um die technische und finanzielle Zusammenarbeit an die sich laufend verändernden Herausforderungen der fortschreitenden digitalen Transformation aller Lebensbereiche anzupassen ist das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) im ständigen Dialog mit seinen Initiativen und Partnern.

SDG Digital Futures

SDG Digital – launched in 2023 – will be back this year…

Webinar: Managing Digital Risks in Development Finance

Digital transformation is changing our world in profound ways and its opportunities…

Voices of Africa: Workshop at Deep Learning INDABA

At the Deep Learning Indaba 2024 , a conference for African…

Telangana Global AI Summit

  Locally relevant data is key to driving impactful…

  • Berlin

    German Industry Day

    At this BDI event Martin Wimmer, CDO BMZ, participated in the panel “The digital and technology sector: Opportunity for young people in developing and emerging countries? “and exchanged views with Bernhard Longin, Chairman of the Board of Carl Duisberg Gesellschaft e.V. and CEO of dot-gruppe, Torsten Töllner, Managing Director CyCo Cyber Competence Center, Svenja L. Schauten, Deputy Managing Director, DSAA e. V. Dominic Orr, Component Manager, GIZ and and Jost Neumann, Program Director of TUI Care Foundation.

  • Berlin

    BMZ Board Meeting at GovTech Campus

    The BMZ exchanged views with the board “Digital Transformation” on 16.06.2023. Participating institutions and organizations at the meeting included: Engagement Global, German Evaluation Institute for Development Cooperation (DEval), German Institute of Development and Sustainability gGmbH (IDOS), Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), KfW, and Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). BMZ’ participants were: Martin Wimmer, CDO; Dirk Meyer, Head of Division Global Health, Economy, Trade and Rural Development; Dr. Iliya Nickelt, Head of BMZ Data Laboratory; Andreas Kottwitz, Sub-Department Head Central Services and IT; and Dr. Ariane Hildebrandt, Head of Division Principles, Data and Effectiveness.

  • Berlin

    GreenTech Festival: Panel “For Meta or worse: Sustainability in AI, VR and the token economy”

    The GreenTech Festival, with its keynotes, panels and bootcamps, is designed for anyone seeking sustainable change. Ideas driven by the need for sustainable business solutions are shared with bold pioneers and outstanding global leaders.

    The panel “For Meta or worse: Sustainability in AI, VR and the token economy” took place on June 15.


    • Majorie Hernandez, CEO and Founder, LUKSO & The Dematerialised
    • Max Orgeldinger, Managing Lead, TLGG
    • Martin Wimmer, CDO, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
    • Bernhard Kronfellner, Partner and Associate Director, BCG
    • Host: Christian Wölbert, Editor, c’t Magazin for Computer technology, Heise Medien

    To event

  • Berlin
    10:00 - 10:00 CEST

    Creative Bureaucracy Festival: “Hype or Hope: Can Missions and GovStack Boost Inclusive Digital Transformation?”

    The global digital transformation of the public sector presents a challenge for international development cooperation to promote inclusive digitization with partners from the Global South. This discussion aimed to explore how mission-oriented policymaking and digital services can enable this transformation by examining two approaches that drive innovation and digitization: Mission Oriented Innovation Policies (MOIPs) and the digital building blocks methodology known as the GovStack approach. The discussion explored the synergies, potentials, and lessons learned of both approaches and how they can be leveraged for successful digitization.

    This event of the [digital.global] network of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development took place on the Bowl stage as a fishbowl session, in which the audience could participate in the discussion depending on the topic.

    Speakers were Noémie Bürkl (BMZ), Benjamin Kumpf (OECD), Yolanda Martinez (ITU), Maksym Shkilov (Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine) and Stella Deppe (GIZ).

  • Digital Ethics Working Group of Initiative D21

    As a cross-sector network that brings together players from politics, business, science and civil society, Initiative D21 aims to promote the potential of digitization and digital participation in Germany. At the last meeting of the working group Martin Wimmer, CDO BMZ, gave a keynote speach.

  • Virtual event
    11:00 - 12:00 CEST

    bitkom & [digital.global]: Closing the Global Digital Divide

    Accompanying the Global South on its path to access to powerful Internet and the skills to use digital technologies safely is not just a question of equity: Better connectivity and the teaching of digital skills create great potential for growth and development. This is precisely what European companies, associations and the German government are already working on hand in hand – in numerous projects around the world. We talked about this at our online panel on “Global Digital Divides,” which we organized together with bitkom to mark the German Digital Day.


    • Caroline King, Global Head of Business Development SAP
    • Karolin Erdmann, Head of the Make-IT Alliance
    • Asma Bannouri, Deployment Manager, Orange Digital Center
    • Martin Wimmer, Chief Digital Officer, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • Arena Berlin, Berlin

    The BMZ at re:publica 2023

    re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — Session: Beating the gender bias in AI! /// Speaker: Linda Bonyo, Kathleen Ziemann, Katharina Klappheck — The re:publica took place from 05 to 07 June 2023 in the Arena Berlin and the Festsaal Kreuzberg. This year, the festival for the digital society was themed "CASH". Berlin, June 07, 2023 Photo: Jan Zappner/re:publica © copyright
    re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — Session: Women’s needs are unique. Their financial solutions should be too! /// Speaker: Mary Ellen Iskenderian — The re:publica took place from 05 to 07 June 2023 in the Arena Berlin and the Festsaal Kreuzberg. This year, the festival for the digital society was themed "CASH". Berlin, June 07, 2023 Photo: Jan Zappner/re:publica © copyright
    re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — Session: Women’s needs are unique. Their financial solutions should be too! /// Speaker: Mary Ellen Iskenderian — The re:publica took place from 05 to 07 June 2023 in the Arena Berlin and the Festsaal Kreuzberg. This year, the festival for the digital society was themed "CASH". Berlin, June 07, 2023 Photo: Jan Zappner/re:publica © copyright
    re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — The re:publica took place from 05 to 07 June 2023 in the Arena Berlin and the Festsaal Kreuzberg. This year, the festival for the digital society was themed "CASH". Berlin, June 07, 2023 Photo: Jan Zappner/re:publica © copyright
    re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — Session: Click, Hire, Fire? Improving the Global Reality and Future of Platform Work /// Speaker: Svenja Schulze, Mark Graham, Esther Gathigi-Kibugi, Fabian Stephany — The re:publica took place from 05 to 07 June 2023 in the Arena Berlin and the Festsaal Kreuzberg. This year, the festival for the digital society was themed "CASH". Berlin, June 07, 2023 Photo: Jan Zappner/re:publica © copyright
    re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — Session: Click, Hire, Fire? Improving the Global Reality and Future of Platform Work /// Speaker: Svenja Schulze, Mark Graham, Esther Gathigi-Kibugi, Fabian Stephany — The re:publica took place from 05 to 07 June 2023 in the Arena Berlin and the Festsaal Kreuzberg. This year, the festival for the digital society was themed "CASH". Berlin, June 07, 2023 Photo: Jan Zappner/re:publica © copyright
    re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — Session: Click, Hire, Fire? Improving the Global Reality and Future of Platform Work /// Speaker: Svenja Schulze, Mark Graham, Esther Gathigi-Kibugi, Fabian Stephany — The re:publica took place from 05 to 07 June 2023 in the Arena Berlin and the Festsaal Kreuzberg. This year, the festival for the digital society was themed "CASH". Berlin, June 07, 2023 Photo: Jan Zappner/re:publica © copyright
    re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — Session: Click, Hire, Fire? Improving the Global Reality and Future of Platform Work /// Speaker: Svenja Schulze, Mark Graham, Esther Gathigi-Kibugi, Fabian Stephany — The re:publica took place from 05 to 07 June 2023 in the Arena Berlin and the Festsaal Kreuzberg. This year, the festival for the digital society was themed "CASH". Berlin, June 07, 2023 Photo: Jan Zappner/re:publica © copyright
    re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — Session: Women’s needs are unique. Their financial solutions should be too! /// Speaker: Mary Ellen Iskenderian — The re:publica took place from 05 to 07 June 2023 in the Arena Berlin and the Festsaal Kreuzberg. This year, the festival for the digital society was themed "CASH". Berlin, June 07, 2023 Photo: Jan Zappner/re:publica © copyright
    re:publica 23 – 05. - 07. Juni 2023 — CASH für die Twin Transition – wie wird Digitalisierung grüner und Klimaschutz digitaler? Georg von Richthofen, Martin Wimmer — The re:publica took place from 05 to 07 June 2023 in the Arena Berlin and the Festsaal Kreuzberg. This year, the festival for the digital society was themed "CASH". Berlin, June 07, 2023 Photo: Jan Zappner/re:publica © copyright

    At this year’s re:publica, the largest festival for the digital society, one topic took center stage: CASH. Under this motto, representatives from science, politics, companies, NGOs and the media, as well as bloggers, activists, artists and social media experts, exchanged ideas on topics of digital transformation.

    The contributions of over 1100 speakers* on 18 stages showed that the digital transformation is not only a technical, but also a social and global topic.

    In several panels and discussion groups, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and its partners from the [digital.global] network presented innovative approaches and projects for digital solutions in partner countries. The focus was on platform work, artificial intelligence, climate protection, feminist development policy, health and international digital policy.

  • Virtual event
    15:00 - 16:30 CEST

    Blockchain & Women’s Financial Inclusion

    The topic of the webinar was the financial inclusion of women. What added value can blockchain and digitalization offer here? Peer-to-peer lending, microcredit for women’s savings groups, or community inclusion currencies – blockchain offers a range of use cases to reach people who have been largely excluded from the formal financial system. But can these technological solutions also help change gender norms and strengthen women’s financial inclusion and economic participation?

    We discussed theese questions with partners from CGAP, WFP Innovation Accelerator and GIZ Cameroon, who presented projects from development cooperation and humanitarian aid.



    More information

  • Virtual Event

    Roundtable: Towards a feminist digital development cooperation

    Towards a feminist digital development cooperation, the betterplace lab organized the online roundtable “Towards a feminist digital development cooperation” as part of a trend study on feminist digital development cooperation.

  • Mexico City, Mexico

    Women in Tech, Twin Transition, and an Alliance for MSMEs: some of the themes presented during the Regional Forum for Digital Transformation in Mexico

    The Forum organized by the BMZ Digital Transformation Center Mexico in close collaboration with the Ministry of Economy of Mexico, brought together a diversity of national and international stakeholders.

    The Regional Forum for Digital Transformation was a hybrid space for dialogue and networking to exchange experiences on Digital Transformation, Digital Policy, Data and Public Policy, Digital Economy, Climate Action and Sustainable Development. During the three days of the Forum, almost 5,000 virtual attendees participated from 18 different countries such as Germany, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru; and nearly 700 people attended in person. There were 58 sessions, including expert panels, keynote speakers, multi-stakeholder dialogues, and five workshops. The Forum, held in the Ministry of Economy in Mexico City, featured the participation of 120 speakers from 40 different public, private, and social sector institutions.

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  • Sovereign Cloud Stack Summit

    Organized by the Open Source Business Alliance (OSB Alliance), the Sovereign Cloud Stack Summit aimed to promote exchange on open source technologies, especially in the cloud space. The focus was on digital sovereignty and European core values in the digital space, which were significantly advanced by SPRIN-D. For the panel discussions and speeches, the broad ecosystem of open source stakeholders from politics, the private sector, academia and civil society was included. The BMZ highlighted the international perspective on digital sovereignty and open source through the policy initiative GovStack and the [digital.global] Network.

  • Global Solutions Summit

    The Global Solutions Summit is the world’s leading forum for translating research-based evidence into policy recommendations for the G7/G20. Its goal is better global governance for the common good. The meeting brought together high-level government officials with academic researchers, NGO leaders and international CEOs. The BMZ participated in several sessions of the Global Solutions Summit, including the Advisory Board meeting and the High-Level Forum on Climate and Digital Architecture for the Public Good sessions.

  • BMZ, Berlin

    Visit of the Egyptian Minister of Digital at the BMZ

    With the aim of exploring strategic priorities for digital cooperation between Germany and Egypt, a strategic dialogue took place between the BMZ and Khaled El-Attar, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation, Automation and Administrative Development.

  • Stuttgart

    Blockchain Breakfast Baden-Württemberg with KfW

    Together with KfW, BMZ participated in the Blockchain Breakfast and presented the TruBudget tool with Piet Kleffmann, Department Director of KfW Development Bank.

  • BMZ, Berlin

    Strategic Dialogue UNDP in the BMZ

    The United Nations Development Programm (UNDP) is a long-standing partner of German development cooperation, while UNDP and BMZ share a longtime cooperation in the digital sector. The aim of the exchange in May was to highlight synergies in the field of innovation and digitalization. The United Nations Development Programme, represented by Robert Opp, Chief Digital Officer and Gina Lucarelli, Team Leader Accelerator Labs, met with the following representatives of the BMZ: Dirk Meyer, Head of Division Global Health, Economy, Trade and Rural Development; Martin Wimmer, CDO; Noemie Bürkl, Head of the Digitalization Unit.