[digital.global] im Dialog

Das [digital.global] Netzwerk vereint weit über 100 Akteure aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Zivilgesellschaft und Wissenschaft in Deutschland, unseren Partnerländern sowie unserem multilateralen Partnersystem.

Als Plattform für alle Akteure, die eine sozial-ökologischen und feministische digitale Transformation vorantreiben, lebt das Netzwerk von seinen starken Partnerschaften und dem kontinuierlichen Austausch. Sein Ziel ist es, die Innovationskraft der Digitalwirtschaft für entwicklungspolitische Ziele zu nutzen und sich dabei an den Bedarfen der Partnerländer zu orientieren. Um die technische und finanzielle Zusammenarbeit an die sich laufend verändernden Herausforderungen der fortschreitenden digitalen Transformation aller Lebensbereiche anzupassen ist das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) im ständigen Dialog mit seinen Initiativen und Partnern.

SDG Digital Futures

SDG Digital – launched in 2023 – will be back this year…

Webinar: Managing Digital Risks in Development Finance

Digital transformation is changing our world in profound ways and its opportunities…

Voices of Africa: Workshop at Deep Learning INDABA

At the Deep Learning Indaba 2024 , a conference for African…

Telangana Global AI Summit

  Locally relevant data is key to driving impactful…

  • Washington, USA

    World Bank GovTech Global Forum in Washington

    The event was organized by the World Bank’s Governance Global Practice and was entitled “Governance in the Digital Era.” BMZ participated in the forum as a co-host through a logo partnership. A recorded video message from Dirk Meyer, Department Head, Global Health, Economy, Trade and Rural Development was broadcasted during the first plenary, which addressed the guiding question of how GovTech implementation can contribute to economic and social development.

  • Victoria Falls, Simbabwe

    Transform Africa Summit (TAS2023)

    The Transform Africa Summit (TAS2023) took place for the sixth time this year. The venue was the Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. Government representatives, companies and organizations from over 100 countries met under the motto “Connect, Innovate, Transform”. The aim of the summit was to accelerate the digital transformation of the participating African countries. This is to pave the way toward competitive, agile, open and innovative smart societies.

    Our policy initiatives were represented at TAS2023 with the following workshops:

    • Digital for Development (D4D) Hub: ”Global Gateway: Building trusted connectivity between Africa and Europe”
    • SADA & Gig Economy: ”Better policymaking for fair, safe, inclusive and sustainable digital transformation – The case of platform work”
    • Data Economy: ”Building an Enabling Environment for Data-Driven Value Creation”
    • GovStack: ”Digital Leaders Forum on Digital Public Infrastructure and Secure Data Flow”
    • #SmartDevelopmentFund: ”Female Empowerment – the compass of the Twin Transition”
    • FAIR Forward: ”Leveraging AI to adress climate change challenges in Africa”
    • SADA: ”Network of Women Digital Ministers for inclusive digital policy and digital gender equality”
  • Hangzhou, China

    UN World Data Forum 2023: Innovative ways to utilise data for policy makers

    The UN World Data Forum aims to drive innovation in the use of data, foster partnerships, mobilise high-level political and financial support for data, and develop a sustainable approach to data use.

    Against this backdrop, the United Nations Development Programme, in collaboration with GIZ’s political initiative Data4Policy, has developed a Data-to-Policy Navigator for policymakers to use new data sources to support policy and decision-making processes.

    The navigator focuses on the needs of policymakers to shape more inclusive, effective and sustainable policies and empower them digital public infrastructure (DPI). The beta version of the Navigatorwas launched at the fourth UN World Data Forum, which wich took place in Hangzhou, China, in April 2023.

    More about the event

  • hybrid, Berlin

    bitkom Digital Sustainability Summit: Conference for the digital and green twin transition 

    Climate change affects us all. How can we use innovative digital solutions to combat climate change? And how can we connect the global South and North to jointly develop innovative solutions for climate goals?

    These questions were addressed by Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, at the bitkom Digital Sustainability Summit. Through the newly created [digital.global] network, new paths and partnerships can emerge with the aim of developing digital solutions to one of the most pressing questions of our time: how do we shape a climate-just future in the global South and North?

    In addition, Noémie Bürkl, Head of Digitalization at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), discussed digital solutions to the climate crisis directly with companies from the MAKE-IT Alliance, bitkom, and local businesses in a side event.

    More information

    About the side event
    by [digital.global]

    Roundtable: “Green Tech for Climate Action: advancing digital green solutions between North and South

    Collaboration with the private sector is essential to solving the global challenges of our time. This is especially true for climate change: on the one hand, our economic activities contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, pollution and biodiversity loss. On the other hand, innovative ideas and digital solutions can help conserve resources and build a sustainable digital and green society and economy.

    In particular, innovative SMEs and startups offer digital green tech solutions to decarbonize supply chains and shape the transformation to a more sustainable economy and society. A dialogue between the private and public sectors, and between companies from the global South and North, can help promote green and sustainable technologies and approaches worldwide.

    In the panel discussion, initiators and participants discussed the limits of their supply chain management and compensation mechanisms. The focus here was on innovative digital solutions. On the other hand, green tech solutions from climate adaptation were presented, which could be used especially in the global south. How can such solutions be scaled to maximize impact?

    The following speakers discussed at the round table for interested companies:

    • Noémie Bürkl, Head of the Digitalisation Department of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
    • Lara Obst, Co-Founder & Climate Officer of THE CLIMATE CHOICE
    • Marco Christ, Managing Director of DEG Impulse gGmbH
    • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rams, Co-Founder & CFO of Africa GreenTec
    • Werner Neubauer, CEO of albis-elcon
    • Robert Heinecke, Founder & CEO of Breeze Technologies

    In addition, selected international startups gave us an insight into their work, including IoTeamVN, winner of the Green Tech Incubator Vietnam.

    Host: Stella Deppe, BMZ digilab

    More information

  • Berlin

    Keynote by Federal Minister Svenja Schulze at the Bitkom Digital Sustainability Summit

    In April, the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development participated in bitkom e.V.‘s Digital Sustainability Summit. In her speech, she emphasized the crucial factor of digitization for achieving the SDGs and the importance of framework conditions for the digital transformation of partner countries in the Global South.

  • Berlin

    Handelsblatt GovTech Summit

    As part of the GovTech Summit Nele Leosk, Estonian ambassador for digital affairs, and Yolanda Martinez, global head of the GovStack policy initiative and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), joined BMZ to discuss digitization in development cooperation.

  • Berlin

    Side event: GovStack – a lighthouse project of the digital strategy

    The GovStack side event, hosted as part of the Handelsblatt GovTech Summit, aimed to present GovStack as a lighthouse project of Germany’s digital strategy and to connect the international GovStack ecosystem with the German GovTech community, including policy makers, GovTech companies and startups, as well as networks, think tanks and civil society.

  • Virtual event
    04:00 - 07:30 CEST

    BMZ digilab’s Inclusive Innovation 2030: Co-creating sustainable open access to earth observation data

    In a collaborative process, this Inclusive Innovation (ii2030) Challenge worked on a sustainable model to ensure open access to high-quality Earth observation data that can be used for machine learning, for example.

    In this last co-creation seminar, we elaborated a revenue model for data platforms of organizations such as Radiant Earth Foundation that offer open Earth observation data. The goal was to increase the general availability of such data in the Global South. Earth observation data can play an important role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, such as improving food security or disaster relief.

    In this online seminar, we focused on how data sourcing can be used as a lever to generate valuable data for third parties. We see this as an opportunity to make more Earth observation data available beyond traditional project and donor logics.

    Rather than creating more technical solutions, the ii2030 process focuses on strategic collaboration among stakeholders to work together to create effective change.

    This ii2030 challenge was initiated by BMZ digilab, an initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), together with FAIR Forward and the Radiant Earth Foundation and is implemented by endeva, a systems innovation agency.

    More about the event

  • Geneve, Switzerland

    World Summit on the Information Society

    The annual World Summit on the Information Society Forum is a global multi-stakeholder platform that supports the implementation of the WSIS action lines to promote sustainable development. It is organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and UNCTAD in close cooperation with all co-organizers of the WSIS Action Lines and other UN agencies. The Summit provides an opportunity to exchange information, create knowledge and share best practices, identify emerging trends, and foster partnerships.

  • New York, USA

    67. Session of the Commission on the Status of Women

    Representatives of member states and UN entities met for the 67th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (FRC) from March 6 to 17, 2023.
    The main topics this year were innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age. The goal was to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

    More information

  • GSMA Mobile World Congress Barcelona

    GSMA #MWC23 – Meet us!

    Again this year, GSMA is hosted its flagship event GSMA Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2023. This is the largest and most influential event for the digital connectivity ecosystem. GSMA is a key partner in the BMZ’s Make-IT Alliance and an important collaboration partner with their Mobile for Development program.

    We were there to exchange ideas with people who share the BMZ’s mission. We want to use digitization to contribute to better livelihoods and sustainable management of the planet. Together with our partners, we close digital gaps and deliver inclusive, fair and green digital solutions to expand digital participation in our partner countries and strengthen their digital sovereignty – for a just social-ecological digital transformation worldwide.

    At #MWC23, we hosted GIZ side events to collaborate on how we can join forces:

    Sharing Data for Development
    When: 10-11 CET on Wednesday March 01
    Where: Hall 8.1 Room CC8.4

    • Data has become a key resource for economic development and its importance only continues to grow. Even though all actors in the digital ecosystem agree on this, there is still need to better understand how value from data is created and how the benefits of data can be shared. Join us in a discussion about the benefits and challenges of using data to cooperate with government on development challenges. We will explore strategies of sharing data to promote innovation, competition and productivity, as well as look into the barriers that hinder such cooperation. Discussion will build on approaches for using mobile data for women’s economic empowerment as well as data sharing and user-facing applications for informing public sector decisions.

    Opportunities for an Inclusive, Fair and Gender-Equal Digital Economy
    When: 11-12 CET on Wednesday March 01
    Where: Hall 8.1 Room CC8.4

    • This group discussion took place to discuss the current state of gender equality in the digital economy and specifically in the gig economy. We discussed the challenges and opportunities to reach groups traditionally excluded from the labor market and thus promote more inclusion and distribution of opportunities.

    Scale Your Capacity Building for Free with GIZ’s e-Learning Platform atingi!
    When: 12-13 CET on Wednesday March 01
    Where: Hall 8.1 Room CC8.4

    • On March 01, the GDPR-compliant, multilingual learning management system atingi was launched at #MWC23. All public, non-profit and private organizations can use atingi 100% free of charge to create and upload free courses for learners aged 16+ residing in the Global South. Organizations can also access and customize our rapidly growing library of more than 400 existing, openly licensed public courses – ranging from topics like agriculture to AI, digital skills, entrepreneurship, tourism and more. atingi works on desktops, tablets and smartphones and includes offline capabilities.

    Visit the partner section on atingi.org for more information.

  • Berlin
    13:00 - 18:00 CET

    Safer Internet Day

    On the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2023, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and Bitkom e. V. invited to the joint conference. The event focused on the following questions : What role do data power and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) play in participation/discrimination? What changes do current regulatory proposals bring? To what extent can trustworthy AI help mitigate discrimination risks for consumers, and can the use of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) help digital companies actively think about consumer interests from the outset when developing and deploying new technologies?

  • Virtual event

    RMMV Conference of KfW and BMZ

    Remote Management, Monitoring and Verification, RMMV, concepts and tools enable us to implement humanitarian and development projects under challenging conditions. During recent and current crises – pandemics, wars, and natural disasters caused by climate change, to name a few – the use of RMMV has increased dramatically. The benefits can be found in the RMMV Guidebook.

    KfW Entwicklungsbank in cooperation with BMZ organized an exchange of high-level representatives and practitioners with partners, donors, development banks, the United Nations, NGOs and technology companies on this topic.

  • Karlsruhe
    09:00 - 19:30 CET

    CDR Summit

    The Corporate Digital Responsibility Summit highlights sustainable IT solutions to save Co2 emissions. It is the leading forum in the German-speaking region that empowers companies and brands to reduce the impact of technology on climate and environment and to achieve corporate goals.

    Experts* in sustainability & IT and selected companies presented solutions at the CDR Summit on how the digital transformation of business can succeed in a climate-friendly way.

    The hybrid concept enabled participation on January 26, 2023 at the ZKM | Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe or digitally.


  • Berlin

    Digital Summit 2022

    Digitization is one of the German government’s priorities. The Digital Summit is the central platform for shaping the digital awakening with all those involved. The aim is to accelerate and deepen digitization and harness its potential for prosperity, freedom, social participation and sustainability.

    Last year, the focus was on the data economy. The Digital Summit 2022 took a look behind the scenes of digitization and focused on the essential resource of the digital transformation: data.