At a glance

Egypt is undergoing a digital revolution, driven by factors such as a demographically young, tech-savvy population, increasing internet penetration, and one of the fastest growing IT sectors in the middle east. As the government and businesses adapt to digitalisation, the country is experiencing a remarkable transformation. To facilitate this transformation, the Egyptian government is investing heavily to provide the required technological infrastructure, human capital, and the appropriate legal, regulatory frameworks. In addition, a strong and coherent enabling environment is being created to ensure that digital transformation becomes a platform for equality and sustainable growth.

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) is mandated by the Egyptian government to carry out the digital transformation mission as part of Egypt Vision 2030. This vision seeks to build a “Digital Egypt” and forges an Egyptian digital society that adopts and integrates technologies in every aspect of life, mainly: education, health, economy and governance. The strategic directionof this digital transformation revolves around the themes of improving the citizens’ quality of life and living conditions by providing quality, efficient and accessible public services as well as promoting e-government and fostering an environment of transparency, accountability and cooperation. The Egyptian government is also focusing on using digitalisation to enhance government interoperability as a means of reducing costs and increasing productivity.

The ecosystem depends on a multi-stakeholder approach where different actors from both the public and private sectors are involved to support the digital transformation journey of Egypt. In addition to this, digital transformation in Egypt requires a lot of innovation, skilling development and partnerships building.

Therefore, the role of the Digital Transformation Center Egypt is to create synergies between the different stakeholders and support the different service providers in their line of work and act as a consulting unit for our partners. The Digital Transformation Center Egypt aims to support innovation in the different sectors, minimise and reduce any potential duplication of effort and create an atmosphere of cooperation and partnerships for better effectiveness and efficiency, thus reinforcing the efforts of both the government and the private sector for the ultimate benefit of the Egyptian citizen.

Our approach

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) the Digital Transformation Center will support Egypt’s transition towards a digital economy and society. The DTC is currently exploring different models to support the digital transformation ecosystem by working with the government and the private sector to implement the digital transformation strategies in Egypt. The focus is on increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the digital transformation process in addition to promoting innovation in both sectors.

To support this agenda, the Digital Transformation Center (DTC) Egypt provides a global approach to its areas of intervention:

Success Story: Hafiz Platform

The newly formed DTC Egypt has already helped the Egyptian Ministry for International Cooperation (MoIC) to establish the Hafiz platform. The Hafiz hub is a fully integrated platform for finance and investments that connects development partners with the private sector. Hafiz bridges the information gap allowing the private sector to understand the needs of the different development partners. It allows the private sector to be exposed to the opportunities provided by these development partners mainly in Egypt but also across the globe. For the first time in full transparency funding, technical support and tenders are available in a comprehensive online portal in both English and Arabic for companies to explore. The platform is also powered by artificial intelligence to guide companies to the right opportunities.

To ensure the succes of the platform, workshops were held with different stakeholders from the ministry and Gesellschaft für Internationele Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Accordingly, the platform was customized needs based. The DTC interviewed participants from the public sector, where they shared their ideas and thoughts. Based on the participants’ inputs the need for the hub was clear. In collaboration with MoIC, the DTC then started designing and developing the Hafiz hub. In December 2023 the Hafiz Hub was launched by H.E Dr. Rania El Mashaat, Minister of International Cooperation.

You can learn more about Hafiz here.