The Digital Transformation Center Togo accompanies the digital transformation of the Togolese economy with the involvement of the private sector and public actors.

At a glance

Togo has defined the transformation of its national economy through digital technologies as one of its strategic priorities in the government’s Roadmap 2025 in order to improve the economic potential of all stakeholders involved. Approaches to structuring the digital ecosystem and the government’s commitment to digitalisation are already noticeable, particularly through measures taken by the Ministry of Digital Economy and Digital Transformation (MENTD). A dynamization of the ecosystem can be seen through the increasing emergence of incubators and innovative start-ups.

More than 12,000 companies are created each year in Togo. The challenge of digitalising them in order to ensure their competitiveness seems to be growing in comparison to the development of the ICT sector in the countries of the subregion. More than 70% of companies in Togo are women-owned, highlighting the potential of women in the business sector and the impact they could have in the digital economy.

A better dynamic of public and private actors, and thus creating synergies and pooling competences to jointly achieve the great economic transformation represents one of the key objectives for the country. Therefore, a particular focus of the Digital Transformation Center Togo will be to promote local businesses in the digital sector and strengthen the interaction between the public and private sectors in the development of digital transformation projects.

The Digital Transformation Center aims to support the creation of an innovative digital ecosystem in Togo and accompany the government in the implementation of its “Togo Digital 2025” strategy, which aims to make Togo one of the largest technology hubs in West Africa. Since it began its work in July 2022, the interventions of the Digital Transformation Center Togo have been closely aligned with the strategies of the national digital policy and the roadmap of the Togolese government.

Our approach

The Digital Transformation Center Togo works with public, private and civil society actors to ensure the success of jointly implemented digital transformation projects within the ecosystem – with significant participation of women. It focuses on:

  1. providing strategic advice and support to the government (especially the Togolese Digitalisation Agency ATD) in the implementation of digital transformation projects and interactions between public partners and the private sector
  2. advising and supporting the development of an innovative ecosystem
  3. digitalising MSMEs and promoting innovation
  4. strengthening the digital skills of public administration and the digital economy  

With its four components and focus areas, the Digital Transformation Center Togo makes an important contribution to the implementation of the Togolese digital strategy “Togo Digital 2025”.

Leveraging ongoing projects and with a view to country-specific needs in the digital sector, the Digital Transformation Center Togo offers support and networking in the following five core areas:

Concrete activities in these priority areas are planned and implemented in a complementary manner and in cooperation with other German development cooperation projects. Examples include projects in the areas of private sector development and the renewable energy and agriculture sectors.

Our goal

The Digital Transformation Center Togo aims to support Togo’s digital transformation through improved collaboration between private and public stakeholders. It aims to successfully shape cooperation within a sustainable innovative ecosystem through capacity building. Furthermore, the Digital Transformation Center advises partners on the design and implementation of digital transformation projects, dialogue formats involving the private sector and civil society, and the digitalisation of MSMEs through targeted information and education services. At the same time, the digital skills of specialists and managers in public administration and the digital economy are being strengthened. This creates the conditions for the Togolese population to benefit from these innovations in their everyday lives and in their respective economic activities.


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