D4D Hub: Four years for a secure digital future

Celebrating a D4D Hub anniversary: For four years committed EU member states have been joining forces through the Digital for Development (D4D) Hub to work with its partners in Africa, Latin America and the Carribbean, Asia Pacific and EU Neighbouring countries to shape a human centered digital transformation.

In December 2020, the D4D Hub was launched by the European Commission and eleven Member States, including Germany, together with partners from the private sector, civil society and academia. President, Ursula von der Leyen, together with German Chancellor, Angela Merkel and four other Heads of State vowed to scale up digital investments to support partner countries’ resilience and socioeconomic development.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how much our lives depend on digital technologies. With the Digital4Development Hub, Team Europe is building strong ties across the globe to make the digital revolution an opportunity for everyone.

Since then, the D4D Hub is growing steadily. Today, the EU and 16 of its Member States are effectively pooling their resources and expertise through the D4D Hub for impactful initiatives. Concretely, Team Europe has produced initiatives to promote green digital innovation, women’s leadership in ICT, secure and inclusive connectivity, and climate adaptation through earth observation systems.

Digital for Development (D4D) Hub

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