The Tunisian Ministry of Health’s EVAX digital vaccination platform supports digitally planning and managing vaccinations for the entire family. This platform is a milestone in the digital transformation of public services in Tunisia.
EVAX was initially launched as a digital vaccination platform during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tunisia used this platform to coordinate millions of coronavirus immunisations. A total of 13 million vaccinations were distributed and injected throughout the country.
In 2024, the platform was expanded to include all common vaccinations, such as flu and travel protection. With success: two thirds of the population are already registered.
Quickly reacted, well implemented
When the coronavirus had the whole world in its grip, all countries were faced with the challenge of distributing the vaccines as widely as possible. To reach more people, the Tunisian Ministry of Health worked on a solution with the support of the Digital transformation Center (DTC) in Tunisia. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the DTC worked on site with local partners to implement the project. The result was the EVAX digital vaccination platform.

EVAX is a digital tool that offers all Tunisians the opportunity to make appointments with doctors and get vaccinated by simply registering using their ID card. They can then make appointments, receive reminders and download their official digital vaccination record.
The user data is securely stored on local servers and shared with the Ministry of Health in anonymised encrypted form, providing a real-time overview of the nationwide distribution of medical products. The live data shows where each product is needed and helps the administration to anticipate disease outbreaks at an early stage due to increased demand. The result: better availability of vaccinations and medicines thanks to smart logistics.
EVAX—a success story
Since the launch of EVAX, more than eight million Tunisians have registered. Following the official expansion of EVAX to all routine family immunisations in April 2024, more than 85,900 Tunisians, including 65,184 children and 20,724 adults, were registered on the platform, helping to better manage vaccination coverage. The platform has thus enabled the administration of a total of 469,785 doses of routine immunisations for children.
The EVAX system is in use in 1,240 out of a total of 1,919 vaccination centres and is used by more than 6,190 health professionals, including 3,784 public sector vaccinators and 2,171 private sector vaccinators. In this way, EVAX serves the 24 regional health directorates and the 221 heads of constituencies.