Togo goes digital: Business owners benefit

How can Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Togo use the potential of digitalization to improve their competitiveness? A central question of the intensive training course for 48 consultants in the digitalization of MSMEs in Togo. Malia Tchabana, Software Developer from Sokodé and Casimir Domlan, Business Developer from Lomé joined the training and are now ready to go. In the coming months they will pass on their knowledge and skills to MSMEs throughout the country.

Malia TCHABANA, Software Developer

The training was particularly relevant because of its practical approach and its focus on the specific needs of MSMEs. After this training, my coaching approach will focus more on an in-depth assessment of each company’s digital needs, followed by the implementation of tailor-made strategies. I will also integrate more data analysis to measure the impact of digital initiatives and adjust strategies, accordingly, ensuring continuous improvement.

Malia TCHABANA, Software Developer from Sokodé.

Over the course of four days, 48 participants including 11 women deepened their knowledge of global diagnosis of MSME ecosystem, digital marketing, sales strategy and digital transformation. The training by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Togo (CCI-Togo), with the support of DTC Togo was a great opportunity for them to learn about new tools and coaching contents

Togo’s 2025 digitalization strategy aims to make the country a regional benchmark for innovation and digitalization. However, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises have hardly used any digital tools in their business processes – a disadvantage for their competitiveness on the global market and time to change this situation.

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Casimir Domlan, business consultant

During the training, I particularly appreciated the ability to do a precise diagnosis of a company’s level of digital maturity. This tool is essential for establishing a personalized and effective support plan. Thanks to this training, I’ll be able to propose tailor-made solutions, whether to improve a company’s online presence, optimize their internal processes or develop new digital products and services. I’m convinced that my expertise, reinforced by this training, will enable the companies I support to gain in competitiveness by accelerating their growth and enabling them to align themselves with new market requirements.

Casimir Domlan, business consultant from Lomé

MSMEs make up 90 percent of the Togolese economy. Not only do they contribute 40 percent to Togo’s GDP, but they also create almost 60 percent of jobs. The Ministry of Digital Economy and Digital Transformation (MENTD), CCI-Togo and the Togo Digital Center therefore want to strengthen the capacities of MSMEs by training digital consultants. This is the only way for Togolese MSMEs to become more resilient and hold their own in a constantly evolving global market.

The engagement of Malia, Casimir and other Togolese digitalization trainers shows that supporting MSMEs in their digitalisation journey is a joint effort. By passing on their knowledge, digital experts play a crucial role in making Togolese small companies fit for the future.